This week on Three C’s: SDI is observing Black History Month with the Black Souls Welcome showcase. Global education will hold the spring Study Abroad Fair, and the Columbia Chicago Hip Hop Reunion invites the public to reflect on the legacy of hip hop.
0:06: Welcome to the Three C’s with the Columbia Chronicle, your go-to source for the Top Three things every Columbia College student, faculty and staff member needs to know.
0:18: We’re here to bring you credible information about our campus and provide the clarity you need on the issues that matter most.
0:26: I’m your host, Sydney Richardson.
0:29: Student diversity and inclusion is bringing back the Black Souls Welcome Artist Showcase to commemorate Black History Month.
0:37: The showcase features artwork and performances from Columbia students that express different aspects of black culture and experiences.
0:46: The event takes place on the fifth floor of the Student Center from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 4th.
0:55: The spring study abroad fair will take place on the first floor of the Student Wednesday, February 5th, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Students will be able to learn about Colombia’s various study abroad opportunities.
1:10: Columbia offers multiple study abroad programs, including semester-long or year-long exchanges with one of 12 partner institutions in 9 countries.
1:22: There are also faculty-led programs that take place during J term, spring break, or summer.
1:29: Various scholarships are also available to offset the cost of study abroad.
1:34: On Saturday, February 8th, the Center galleries will be hosting Columbia, Chicago hip hop Reunion, preserving history.
1:44: The reunion, which is open to the public, will bring the community together to discuss the legacy of hip hop at Columbia, and learn about the upcoming hip hop exhibition organized by students in the gallery management practicum course.
2:00: The event will run from 30 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the first floor of the student center.
2:07: Listen to our other stories at and sign up for our newsletter at
2:16: Be sure to also check out conversations for weekly campus highlights.
2:21: I’m Sydney Richardson.
2:23: Thanks for listening.
Copy edited by Patience Hurston