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Letter to the Editor: Invest in human capital to support Columbia’s future

I am writing in response to Vivian Richey’s article, “Advisors appeal for job evaluation, increase in base pay.” The staff union agrees that union staff pay needs to increase, but we also encourage the administration to review the entire department, both union and non-union staff, as we believe their compensation is below market rates and the work they perform is critical. This is just one department that deserves to have its compensation reviewed.

We often invest in new software to boost our college’s efficiency, but let’s not forget the importance of investing in our ‘hardware’ – the human capital that drives our institution. Our advisors are pivotal in student retention and enhancing college graduation rates – two crucial benchmarks of our institution’s success.

They do this by assisting students in understanding their academic requirements and helping them plan their courses effectively. They identify students who may be at risk of falling behind or dropping out and intervene early, providing tailored support, resources, and referrals to help them overcome challenges and stay on course. Advisors act as mentors, building strong, trusting relationships with students.

The administration should view the requested raise not merely as an expense but as a sound investment into the very heart of our institution. Supporting our advisors is akin to securing the best tools for success. As we’ve often seen, a well-supported staff leads to a thriving student body and, by extension, a flourishing college.

The Union advocates valuing our inherent human resources and compensating our College Advisors with a market-aligned salary they have worked hard to earn.

Craig Sigele
President, USofCC Staff Union

Submit a letter to the editor of no more than 450 words here or email editorialboard@columbiachronicle.com. Letters are meant to be responses specifically to Chronicle coverage.

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