No Change Too Small

By Dan Thompson

They call themselves World Can’t Wait, meaning the world can’t wait for change—it must be made immediately. They have a strong presence at Columbia’s political campus events. Most students, faculty and staff recognize them by the bright orange color they wear. Many have received the fliers or seen posters, but it seems that most people are throwing the fliers away. “Drive out the Bush Regime,” the signs read; “We won’t live in a torture state,” reads another.

They are a national group, active in almost every major city. But in Chicago, membership and participation is slim. Once you’ve seen the faces at one World Can’t Wait event, you’ve probably seen them all. The anti-war movement in 2008 is tiny compared to the anti-war movements of the 1960s. In spite of that, groups like World Can’t Wait are trying anyway. Lack of public support doesn’t sway their resolve.

Protests are organized, and they stay small. On April 18, World Can’t Wait organized a protest outside of the Army Career Center on Columbia’s campus. Though they’re charismatic, no one walking by the 10 or so orange-clad activists stopped or paid much attention. For World Can’t Wait, this scene is becoming commonplace—no one seems to be listening.