The Gold Web brings glam to North Coast

Courtesy The Gold Web

The Gold Web performs Sept. 5 at 1:30p.m on the 847 stage.

By Frank EnYart Arts & Culture Reporter

Fresh off of its win at the “Toast of the Coast” competition on July 27, genre-bending band The Gold Web is set to perform its blend of glam rock and psychedelic sounds at Chicago’s annual North Coast Music Festival, hosted Sept. 4–6 in Union Park, 1501 W. Randolph St.

In a world obsessed with labels, The Gold Web tries to stay as diverse and interesting as possible—an attribute that undoubtedly led to their win at “Toast of the Coast.”

“We try to think of our influences as infrequently as possible, because we try to just throw everything in a blender,” said lead vocalist and guitarist Max Perenchio, who goes by the stage name KNG FWX. “The main flagships of glam rock apply—you have David Bowie influence and T. Rex from that side of things.” The band does its best to sound modern with hints of EDM and dance in their tracks, courtesy of Dr. Weed, who supplies the band with live sampling. Mix all of that into the blender the band spoke of before, and The Gold Web’s exciting and refreshing mix of today’s taste and nostalgic greats is formed.

It is almost impossible to gaze upon the spectacle that is The Gold Web and not notice the brightly colored face paint and feathered costumes the members wear on stage. Inspiration for these extreme alter egos and stage personas came from an unlikely source in an earlier version of the band.

“We toured with KISS,” Perenchio said. “We were the opening for the actual KISS. It really opened up my eyes a lot…to what a show could be.”

Seeing the over-the-top actions of Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley influenced Perenchio and the rest of the band to adopt these personas and antics into their own performances. Using glow sticks and choreography in their performances, Perenchio—who dons six-foot wings and a guitar while performing—credits these rock greats as an inspiration to up the production value of their shows. These characters, represented in their audience as fans began to dress in alter egos as well, create a sense of community and fun not experienced in prior engagements, before the antics came into play.

“Little-known fact—and we don’t like to talk about it usually—but we did play a few shows as regular, flannel-clad dudes. As soon as we started playing in costumes and alter egos, it was like a night and day difference. People just enjoyed it more,” Perenchio said.

Formed by childhood friends from the Chicago area, The Gold Web experienced many changes, both stylistically and ensemble-wise before settling into the collective that is set to tear through North Coast Music Festival on Sept. 5.

“The four of us have been friends for an embarrassingly long time…we had been in bands together since high school. To make it even more embarrassing, three of the four of us grew up within a quarter mile of each other,” Perenchio said.

Growing up in Chicago adds to the excitement the band experienced with its recent win and the upcoming festival week, which includes a Sept. 4 show at the Subterranean, 2011 W. North Ave, before heading off to their North Coast gig.

“It’s very exciting [to perform at] Union Park,” Perenchio said. “Before North Coast, I was just a kid going to Pitchfork.” 

Perenchio added that North Coast Music Festival, which also includes sets from The Roots, Steve Aoki and D’Angelo and the Vanguard, highlights the new and exciting music scene, where The Gold Web is undoubtedly on the forefront.

 “It’s refreshing to have electronic elements and elements that embrace modern technology,” he said.

In a music world, where the scene is often saturated with specific sounds and trends, Perenchio said the band appreciates North Coast’s effort to not go along with the tendency to stay static.

“I feel like a lot of things at North Coast are embracing digital forms,” Perenchio said.

The high energy showmanship and outlandish antics of The Gold Web are set to take the stage on Saturday, Sept. 5 at 1:30 p.m. on the 847 stage. The band is also performing Sept. 4 at the Subterranean at 9 p.m.