A time for students to pay attention

By Editorial Board

Young adults consume news and other media in this continuously growing world of technology in a much different manner than previous generations. Daily breaking news is just a few clicks away using laptops and cell phones with Internet capabilities.

College students are accustomed to the immediate satisfaction of the Internet and its easy accessibility. With computer and Internet resources at the fingertips, society now expects this instant gratification. With these tools at the disposal of each Columbia student, more attention should be focused on national and international issues. However, some students don’t take full advantage of their educational opportunity and instead use the Internet only to watch YouTube videos.

In college, it’s easy to feel distant from issues, such as health care reform or the state of the economy. However, subjects such as insurance and the job market are vital and will affect students quickly after graduation if not sooner.

It’s important to realize political and social issues pertain to everyone, including college students.  The more information one gains about a topic, the more likely they will make an informed decision. Greater understanding of such pressing issues leads to better-functioning young adults within society.

Throughout the school year, The Chronicle has interviewed many students about news issues and their stance on important topics. Answers to such questions ranged from “I don’t pay attention to the news” to “I’m an NPR junky.”

There are varying degrees of student awareness across Columbia’s campus, with a wide variety of news sources students use to keep updated.

According to a poll conducted last summer by TIME magazine, respondents named Jon Stewart as the most trusted news source when compared to Katie Couric, Brian Williams and Charlie Gibson.

With Stewart’s trendy “Daily Show” taking the lead as the most reputable news source instead of some of the famous news broadcasters, it’s time to reevaluate where people obtain the news of the day.

As students, it’s crucial to realize why the news is relevant and why being frequent readers of hot issues is necessary.

There are many changes happening in Washington, D.C. and now is the time to pay attention and get involved. There is nothing worse than supporting an issue just because it’s trendy, rather than something one actually believes in.