Sharing Facebook password leads to heartbreak

By Alexandra Kukulka

The dating game has changed during the last few years with technology advancing every day. My mother, remembering a time when meeting in person was the only way to establish a relationship, never understands why I have to text my boyfriend during the day. She thinks cellphones complicate relationships, not to mention texting and the Internet. I used to ignore her; she was raised in the Stone Age. But reading recent stories about teenage relationships in the New York Times and on, I couldn’t agree with my mother more.

Trust can be an issue between couples, and I have witnessed breakups from the lack thereof in social media. To solve this problem, many teens have decided it would be smart—or stupid, depending how you look at it—to know their significant other’s Facebook password.

High school girls in particular view this as a sign of trust because it prevents either party in the relationship from hiding information from the other. But even though girls are twice as likely

to share passwords, studies have shown that high school boys want passwords, too. In fact, a 2011 Pew survey found that 30 percent of teenagers who regularly go online have shared passwords with

multiple partners.

“I have nothing to hide from him, and he has nothing to hide from me,” Tiffany Carandang, a high school senior, told a New York Times reporter.

How did relationships succeed before Facebook? They truly trusted their partner. There was no need to check for any hidden information because, before technology like cellphones or Facebook, couples learned a lot about each other from going on dates and hanging out with their friends.

Teenagers need to stop worrying about what their profile picture looks like or what their relationship status is. Instead, they should sign off and be with people in the real world.

If you need to swap Facebook passwords to feel secure , an exclusive relationship isn’t for you. There is no trust in a relationship if you need your boyfriend’s password, ladies. If you can’t commit to someone without a password, then you should seriously consider if this is someone you want to be dating.

There is no way to stop your lover from keeping things from you. No matter how many passwords, telephone records or bank receipts you look at, if he or she has something going on the side, then he

or she will continue it.

The only way to prevent cheating is to spend time with your partner. If he or she is happy with you, then there won’t be

the desire to violate your trust.

Rosalind Wiseman, an expert in teen technology use, told the New York Times that this password-sharing behavior is linked to sex. Teenagers do it for the thrill because adults frown upon it, which is the same way some adults feel about teen

sex, according to Wiseman.

I don’t see how password sharing can be classified as “thrilling.” If teenagers need an exhilarating activity, they should try turning off their computer and going outside. They could take their partners to an amusement park, where the rides can be considered thrilling. Teenagers have to realize that giving someone your password puts you in a dangerous position.

What happens once you break up? Sure, you can change your password, but your ex-partner already knows too much. He or she can repost any private messages you stored on Facebook.

It would be nice if your high school sweetheart was “the one,” but there is a good chance you will break up, so keep your passwords private. Please, don’t share everything with your partner.

When you finally get married, you will share everything with your wife or husband.