These seats are taken

By Sophia Coleman

The front rows of fashion shows have always been coveted by high-profile magazine editors, A-list celebrities and designers. However, in the last couple years, this closed circle has opened up to popular bloggers and reality TV stars.

While it is unsurprising that mindless television and the Internet have diluted the high sanctity of a fashion show, I find it disappointing that people who have taken the quick and easy route to fame get to sit with powerful gatekeepers of fashion like editors Anna Wintour of Vogue and Cindi Leive of Glamour.

Yes, bloggers have become an integral part of fashion because they offer fresh perspectives on all things trendy, but they are by no means authorities in the fashion world, and they certainly don’t have the tenure of magazine editors who’ve climbed up the ranks to become renowned. It’s true that some bloggers who share the front row are there for the online version of print magazines, which makes perfect sense. But when bloggers like Italian law student Chiara Ferragni of “Blonde Salad” get to mingle with editors and designers, I can’t help but think they got there because of daddy’s money.

I’d much rather see underdog bloggers from modest backgrounds or small towns seated among the elite so they can offer realistic commentary.

I am all for making fashion accessible and relatable to everyone, which many bloggers excel at, but it’s obvious the famous bloggers—those invited to the be-all-end-all fashion shows of New York Fashion Week—are individuals who’ve had immense financial support throughout their lives.

They’ve always had nice clothes, cameras and support systems that allow them to “follow their dreams” and do nothing but dress pretty and take pictures. Sure, I could be generalizing, and I may sound bitter, but what do they offer to the world other than their obvious narcissism?

The same goes for reality TV stars and D-list celebrities—think “Real Housewives” and “Jersey Shore” airheads—who get to embarrass themselves next to prominent fashionistas. At one point in time, it was considered blasphemy to invite TV personalities to fashion shows. Now it seems the fashion world is caving into the pressures of mainstream media. Because of this, even the most extravagant brands become tacky. It shows that fashion is no longer regarded as art. Rather, it is a superficial popularity contest, and furthermore, purely a moneymaking machine.

I think it is necessary to have hierarchy in fashion. While I am often put off by the snootiness and exclusivity of fashion mavens, it brings an element of fantasy to a world that was founded on luxury.

I’m sure that bloggers and half-brained celebs will have an even larger presence in the future as technology advances. Unfortunately, the masses eat that garbage up. But bloggers and D-list celebs, beware: I hear there is a certain French magazine editor who will fight you if she thinks you stole her front–row seat.