Campus Editor Job Description

By Alice Werley

Campus Desk

The Campus Desk covers student-run and Columbia-sponsored events held on campus, especially the activities of student organizations. The campus section also heavily relies on investigative pieces and delving deeper into college issues.

The Campus Desk acts to inform readers of school administrative action, especially that which directly affects the student population. These entrepreneurial stories include those dealing with school budget, presidential decisions, part-time faculty matters, significant purchases made by the school, recruitment issues, faculty senate meetings and board of trustee decisions.

The Campus Desk is also responsible for the paper’s weekly photo poll, features on student work and the rotating supplemental “Someone You Should Know.”

Asst. Campus Editor

The Campus Editor is responsible for writing at least two stories each week, along with additional supplements

Recognize trends and inconsistencies throughout all facets of the college

Find stories that deal with and are appealing to students, teachers and administrators

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