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January 26, 2009
The phrase “modern grandfather” is used by Columbia journalism faculty member Dan Sinker to describe his style—a look he claims is primarily cardigans and tan pants with a bit of a hipper flair.
When Sinker started working at Columbia, he realized that he had no suitable clothes for the job—then out of necessity came the “grandpa wardrobe,” as Sinker likes to call it.
A true multi-tasker, Sinker instructs class while staying fashionable as he wears a brown cardigan accented with white stripes.
Topping it all off is the collar of a royal blue shirt peaking from the top of this ensemble and finished off with a pair of bold, plastic-framed glasses.
The “modern” grandpa is intertwined with his own personal touch of mountain man as he sports a full-on beard.
When making a shopping spree for a new workday outfit of button-up cardigans and classic khaki, Sinker heads over to “little boutiques” by the name of Target and Old Navy.
Sinker’s daily process of getting ready for work Monday through Friday is one that he likes to keep simple—crediting the simplicity of concepts like Garanimals to keep the process running smoothing each morning.
“I got my inspiration from Garanimals—kids know when you have a pair of pants and a shirt with rhinos one them, that they would match,” Sinker said. “So my wife taught me about this adult concept of Garanimals where you get a bunch of shirts and pants that all go together. It’s so much easier.”