The doors of suite 224
When I graduated high school, I was excited about what the future held. I was about to attend Columbia to study graphic design and had high hopes for the experience. Now four years later, here I am, graduating college and at a crossroads. I’m eager to start the next chapter of my life because I feel ready for what’s ahead, yet I am unable to ignore the fear in the pit of my stomach as I realize this is all coming to an end.
I loved my freshman year here. I met some of my best friends and made great memories. But with only school and work at Urban Outfitters to fill my schedule, there was a piece missing. While the classes I took were interesting, I felt that I needed to be a part of more. That piece came to my life sophomore year at The Columbia Chronicle.
The day I accepted the position as graphic designer, I wrote in my journal that “my life changed forever.” Granted, I was being a melodramatic 19-year-old who couldn’t believe I was giving up my Friday nights, but it was true. My life changed forever. I am a completely different person than the one who first walked through the glass doors of suite 224.
The Chronicle has provided me with countless opportunities and introduced me to some of my best friends—friends I otherwise would not have met. I don’t know if I would have stayed at Columbia if it weren’t for the family this office provided. After three years and six different staffs, so many people have made my time here the adventure that it was.
The graphics team has changed every semester, but I have always been in awe of the talent and dedication that walks through that door. Colin, Alex, Sarah, Mitch, Gabe, James, Patrick, Amelia, Sammy, Jocelyn and Zack, not all of you will read this, but I am so thankful for being able to call you coworkers. I wouldn’t be the designer I am today without the lessons you imparted.
Then there’s the reporters, media sales reps, copy editors, multimedia reporters and photographers. This publication would have never happened without their dedication. It isn’t possible to thank them enough for everything they do. It’s a lot of time and effort that seems unnoticed at times, but when the paper hits the stands every Monday, I hope they realize the impact their work has had.
This year was special because I got to be a part of the Management Team, and what a team it is. Their talent and passion for our job never ceases to amaze me. I can count on them, no matter the problem because I know we’ll figure it out together. It should also be understood that The Chronicle wouldn’t be what it is without General Manager Chris Richert’s undying support. Our team wouldn’t be half as strong without his and the advisers’ guidance.
At the end of my time here at Columbia, I’ve come to the realization that it isn’t really about the education. You can’t just go to class and expect to learn all you need to get a job or feel emotionally fulfilled. Going out, meeting people and finding extra projects to work on is where you are going to get that experience and sense of accomplishment.
The Chronicle has provided me that and so much more. It’s why I’m ready to leave. It’s prepared me for what’s out there in the real world. But it’s also why I am so scared. How do I say goodbye to the people who have helped make me who I am today? We’ve spent so much time together it doesn’t seem possible to walk out those doors. At the end of the day, though, I know The Chronicle is and always will be a family for me, and for that, I am forever grateful.