Sydney Richardson
Girl on the Beach by Lionel St. Eloi on display at Haitian American Museum of Chicago.
The Haitian American Museum of Chicago was founded in 2012 and is one of two Haitian-specific museums in the United States. In addition to permanent and rotating exhibits, the museum offers workshops, educational programs and access to immigration and housing resources.
Konbit is a Haitian term meaning working together. It was a term that was kind of coined in the rural areas of Haiti kind of with the farm and the workers and the farm kind of land and really it is what it says you know working together in unity for a common goal. When the comments came out you know about Springfield Ohio that was kind of one of the moments where
Haitian communities, especially in the Midwest and East Coast, were preparing for Haitians to move.
We have a Haitian migrant population coming to Chicago. For us, it’s very, you know, because we are one of the smaller Haitian communities versus other states, it’s just, again, advocating for migrant rights, whether they’re Haitian or non-Haitian, ensuring that they get the resources that they need and deserve. So whether it be financial resources, housing resources, but I think also most importantly is just letting…
folks know that there is a community here. Being non-Haitian, it has been a very interesting journey to being in this position, being one of the directors of this physical space. Definitely I’ve learned about community and community at kind of all levels. There are also ways and things that I’ve learned about being a part of a community that isn’t necessarily my cultural background.
And a part of that too is learning when to speak up and learning when to kind of take a back seat. So every year we have a gala and it is typically called Leve’l, which is roughly translated to Haitian Creole, meaning uplift. And so really it’s a time for us to come together, uplift the accomplishments of the year, uplift our team, but most importantly, uplifting the community and kind of what’s happened in that, you know,
year for them. Last year the theme was all about Haitian Voodou and this year our theme is Konbit.
Anyone from any walk of life, any background, are welcome into our space to learn and be educated about Haitian art, culture, history, and community. Meeting people where they’re at is really important because to do that, we have to really center education and ensure that no matter where people are coming from, their backgrounds, their thoughts, their feelings.
that we are able to educate and kind of give light in a different perspective through exhibits, through programs, through artworks and artifacts. Sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it’s easy, but I think the museum does a really great space in making space for these conversations, very candid conversations to happen.
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