Artist Submission
As a means of featuring more student artwork in The Columbia Chronicle, we are accepting student submissions from across the college, regardless of school/major, status, year and/or employment with our publication.
Before submitting your work, please read our submission guidelines thoroughly. If you have any additional questions, you can reach out to our Creative Director.
After you have submitted the artwork, please email Lilly Sundsbak to make certain it was received.
Submission Guidelines
By submitting your artwork to The Columbia Chronicle, you are giving The Chronicle full permission to publish your content, in its original form, at any given time following submission. The Chronicle will not alter or repurpose content in any given form without the artist’s written consent. All artwork must be signed.
By submitting your artwork to The Columbia Chronicle, you agree that you own all rights to the work produced, including images or video, audio (including music) and writing. Do not submit artwork that is not your own. If it is a collaborated work, please leave contact information for all parties involved in the submission.
By submitting your artwork to The Columbia Chronicle, you acknowledge that compensation will not be received or requested for publishing your work.
The Columbia Chronicle reserves the right to not publish works under any circumstance. The Columbia Chronicle also reserves the right to publish any work(s) more than once.